We provide low-cost systems state-wide to those who qualify via our location in Chico, California.
How to order a system
- You must be a California resident.
- Make certain you qualify by checking the Qualification Letter (see below section).
- Pick out a system by visiting the Price Sheet.
- A $40 NON-refundable deposit will be required for orders. The $40 deposit will go towards your final purchase order.
- Contact Elizabeth by phone or email. Please give her your name, phone number, email, shipping address and program under which you qualify.
- We will send you an email or contact you by phone when your order is ready to be shipped. You will have the total including shipping at that time. We will get your credit or debit card information. Once the sale is authorized we will ship the same day and destroy any credit card information you have given us. You will also receive the transaction receipt, paid invoice and UPS tracking number.
Download a .PDF version of this form: English | Español
We sell Windows PCs to those that qualify for our program, and require a visual confirmation to serve as verification. Please check off at least one of the programs you participate in that make you eligible for our products.
☐ Medi-Cal
☐ Healthy Families
☐ EBT Food Stamp Card
☐ Section 8 Housing
☐ Have a child in school receiving Free or Reduced price lunch
☐ AT&T lifeline – phone bill
☐ PG&E Assistance – CARE, FERA or LIHEAP
☐ SMUD – (EARP) Energy Assistance Program Rate
☐ College Students on Financial-Aid
☐ Fire victim with Red Cross assistance letter
☐ Veteran with Veteran’s Administration card
☐ Social Security Disability
☐ Senior aged 65 or older
☐ Non-Profits with 501(c)(3)/IRS Letter
I certify that I am participating in at least one of the above listed programs.
- I am purchasing this computer system for my own use and not for resale.
Name (Printed)________________________________________________________________________
After reviewing this certification document, if you don’t qualify for a Windows PC, please contact us to inquire about our specials.